#so many tips and pitfalls

https://reactjs.org/docs/react-component.html#constructor I was going to note the best pointers here (in abridged form) from the page above), but the link works. In any case best practices would be best learned by making a site.

Here is the corresponding location in the free code camp tutorials for this topic. https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/front-end-libraries/react/create-a-component-with-composition

Also I’ve wasted a bit of time getting video loopback working so I can code live on discord with the video being streamed in firefox as a “web cam”. But turns out the Discord web app is as of today more integrated into the chromium environment (computer desktop screenshare is implemented similarly to google hangouts without going through “webcam video”).

Both the screenshare and webcam video options are greyed out on firefox. That is sort of unfortunate as just having regular video conferencing available through firefox would be a useful feature, even wihout desktop-screenshare.